Faith Academy School

What is the purpose of education? Is it to increase your chances of having a successful financial future? Is it to get a diploma that increases your prestige? Is it to be better equipped to make a difference in the world? Although all these are legitimate achievements, we believe they are only by-products of education.

We believe the purpose of a true education is to academically train and build a child in God’s character and wisdom. This is our purpose in Faith Academy.

Course subjects like Reading, Math, Social Studies and Science should be built on the presuppositions that God exists, that God speaks, that He created the universe, that He created man and that He has commissioned educators to teach children His ways.

Faith Academy fulfills standards of education in the nation, following a very reputed Christian curriculum used by missionaries around the world, ACE (Accelerated Christian Education). It serves all Honduran children under our care as well as a growing group of children from our community.

Our curriculum has a strong emphasis on building the character of the children as well, constantly rewarding every Christian quality they display in their daily walk.

We are certified with the Ministry of Education that allows us to certify our children’s education.

If you would like to support a child from Prince of Peace Children's Home you can do it by clicking on our DONATE BUTTON. Thank you so much for your prayers and support!

We need teachers for our children from Prince of Peace Children's Home. You will be teaching from Pre-K to High School classes in Faith Academy. If you have teacher’s training and you would like to serve as a missionary teacher for children in Honduras for at least one year, please contact us.